General League Information

ATA Adult Doubles League Rules & Regulations

League Administrator: Matt Gleason

ATA League Structure:

The ATA offers two main League Sessions per year: Fall & Winter/Spring.  A bonus Summer Session will be offered for those who might want to play.

ATA Leagues are based on a team format and League play consists of 3 doubles matches per weekly meet during the league sessions.

Leagues Offered 

1. Women's daytime

2. Women's evening

3. Men's Saturday

4. Women’s Fantastic 50’s (for players 50 yrs. of age & older)

ATA Fees:

Team Registration Fee = $0

Player Registration Fee = $39

Anyone who registers for a team will automatically become an ATA Member for the session in which they registered for said team.

Players, including team captains, are required to register for each team they are on and for each session of play.

I League Divisions:

I Teams, Captains, Players and Subs

Teams: Anyone can form an ATA team.  A minimum of 6 players are required.  Teams are asked to join a division that they feel best suits the overall ability level of their players.  Each team must register on or before the registration deadline.  Team registration may be submitted by the team captain, co-captain, or the Tennis Facility Director of Tennis.

New teams must submit a team roster prior to the registration deadline for pre-approval from the League Administrator. Teams that have been moved up or down at the end of the Winter/Spring Session may not form a new team with more than 4 of the original players in an effort to avoid the mandatory upward/downward movement.

All teams must have a “home” site with 3 available Tennis courts reserved for a minimum of 2 hrs beginning with the start time of the match.   (IE:  A match with a 9 AM start must have courts reserved from 9-11 AM).  Tennis courts approved by the ATA consist of Hard, Clay or Grass surfaces.

All teams are required to provide courts for 50% of their matches during any given session.

The home team is responsible for any court fees and for providing the tennis balls for that match.   Tennis balls must be made of regulation, heavy duty felt for hard courts (practice balls are not allowed).  *Exceptions: Facilities using clay courts may use a ball made specifically for clay courts.  


Captains:  Team captains must register their teams and pay the required "Team Registration fee" prior to the League Session’s registration deadline.  Captains of a new team must submit a roster of at least 6 players for approval prior to registering their team.  All Registrations must now be completed online. See the "Home" page for all “Registration” links (

Captains may request to add players to their team rosters at any point during a league session, up until two weeks prior to their last scheduled match of the session.  Player's names will be added to their team rosters once they have registered for their team.

Each team must have a captain or acting captain present at the onset of a match. Captains must exchange complete line-ups simultaneously, at or prior to the match start time regardless if all players are present.  No changes may be made once line-ups have been exchanged with the exception of forfeits/defaults (See II, Match Rules, #4).  

The winning team captain is responsible for posting the match scores on the web page within 24 hours following the match. Failure to post scores within this time frame may result in a penalty point for the team in violation of this rule. If you have any problems recording your scores on the web site, contact the league administrator. When entering the scores, if you are not able to find a players' name on his or her roster, enter all the information you have, leave that player's line blank and submit the scores.  Contact the League Administrator immediately so that this situation may be resolved ASAP.  Captains are required to keep a record of all match results until the end of each session in case of discrepancies or disputes. 

Captain's responsibilities include:


Players must register for their team and pay the required player registration fee prior to playing a match.  All “registered” players are considered to be an ATA Member (The ATA no longer has separate membership dues)

Participants may play in more than one league per session but they may not play on more than one team in any given league or division.  

ATA Members must be 19 yrs. or older prior to playing a match.  Anyone who is playing on a college or Pro team is not eligible for an ATA membership.  A player who fails to abide by this rule will be suspended from ATA League play for a minimum of 2 years.

Players may switch to a different team during a league session only if they haven’t played any matches to date.

The following penalties will be assessed to any team that plays an ineligible player in an ATA match:

1.) The match played (if won) will be defaulted to the opponents
2.) If the match played was lost, a penalty point will be issued to the team for each occurrence.

Subs:  By ATA definition, a sub is a current ATA participant who is an active member of a team during the session in play.  Players may sub up or laterally but never down.  For example, a 4.0 player may sub on another 4.0 team in any current league but they may not sub below that level.

Players who wish to sub from one league to another may sub up or laterally but never down.  For example: If you are playing on a 4.5 evening team, you may sub on a 4.5 daytime or Fantastic 50’s team (or higher) but you may not sub below that level.  Daytime players who wish to sub on a Fantastic 50’s team or an evening team must also abide by this rule. Teams may not use more than 3 subs for any match.  Players may sub a maximum of 3 times total per session (not 3 times per team).  A player who subs more than 3 times becomes an ineligible player for that match and will be suspended from play for the next 2 weeks of scheduled matches.

Players who only play in the Fantastic 50's league are only eligible to sub for other league teams during their league session of play.  The may not sub prior to the start of the Fanatstic 50's league nor after their session has ended.  These player may join other teams who are currently playing but they may no longer sub for teams in the daytime or evening leagues.

Sub Requests: Team Captains must request to have a sub added to their roster by sending an email to the ATA League Administrator.  Sub requests will not be accepted more than 7 days in advance of needing them to play. If you are unable to make a sub request prior to a match, notify the league administrator ASAP following the match so their name may be added to your roster for scoring purposes.  All subs must be active participants on another team that is playing in the same session.

**One sub may play on line one but two subs may not play together on line one.

II Match Rules

1. Matches will be the best 2 out of 3 sets, regular scoring with a 12-point tie break at 6 games all. (*Note: Must win seven points by a margin of two or more.)  The ATA does not use the Coman Tie Break format at any time, players change ends after 6 games)  Teams who play in the evening with an 8:00 PM start time must play a 10 point tie break in lieu of the third set (this is not a Coman Tie Break). Must win 10 points by a margin of two or more.

**Special Circumstances

In situations where a tennis facility is not able to give teams an unlimited amount of time to complete their matches, the following rules will apply.

Teams must have a minimum of 45 minutes to play out the 3rd set or the 10-point tie break will be mandatory in lieu of the 3rd set under the following circumstances:

1. Teams playing at a facility with time limits.  The Home team must alert the visiting team as to the time their courts will no longer be available (either due to other court reservations or facility closing)

2. Evening teams who are playing at a facility where the lights must be turned off at a certain time.  Again, the home team must alert their opponents of this time prior to the start of the match.

** For all teams, including those who have a mandatory 10 point tie breaks in lieu of the third set: Should a match fail to be completed, teams will have to reconvene to finish the match on a date & time agreed upon by the players involved.

2. Line-ups must be exchanged simultaneously at or before the match start time regardless if all players are present.  Teams then go to their courts for the 10 minute warm up with their opponents.  You are obligated to warm up with your opponents (unless they are not present).  The 10-minute default rule is in effect for all matches.  Players must be present and on the court no later than 10 minutes after the scheduled start time or the match will be defaulted.  If your match is scheduled to start at 9:00 AM and you arrive at 9:05, you are already late and will not get a full warm-up.  A defaulted/forfeited match is scored as 6-0, 6-0 for the winning team; the winner’s names are recorded on the score card but not those of the opponents. Failure to enter the winner’s names and/or scores for a match won by default or forfeit will not earn the winning team a point. 

3. Defaults/Forfeits start in the #3 position, then the #2 position. However, the team captain with all six players present has the right to change the original line up as long as none of the matches have started.

4. A player that causes a default is not eligible to play in that meet and will not be given credit for playing a match. If questions arise regarding eligibility, play the match and then file a protest by contacting the ATA League Administrator.

5. If a team forfeits a court prior to the start of a match, and then that match is postponed or interrupted by unforeseen circumstances such as rain, power failure, etc., the match that was forfeited shall still be considered a forfeit and the point will be awarded to the opposing team.  

6. A 10-minute break may be taken between the second and third set if requested by one or more players. Otherwise, play must be continuous throughout the match.  If a 10 point match tie break needs to be played in lieu of the third set, teams are only allowed the 2 min. break at the conclusion of the 2nd set.

Time Limits:

25 seconds between points 

90 seconds when players change ends at the conclusion of an odd numbered game.

120 seconds at the end of each set

10 Minutes between the 2nd & 3rd set if needed.

7. Injury Time Outs: Injury time outs are limited to 3 minutes.  If a player is not able to continue play after the 3 min. time out, the match will be won by the opponents by “retirement”.  

8. Coaching is not permitted at any time!  Teammates, spectators and coaches may not offer advice or comment on line calls, scoring, match conduct, etc.  This includes discrepancies that occur during a match.  The 4 players involved in the match must resolve any discrepancy regarding scores, rules, etc. on their own.

9. Good sportsmanship and conduct are expected of all players. The use of profanity and/or name-calling is strictly prohibited.  The ATA reserves the right to disqualify, suspend and/or refuse entry into the league, any player who has violated the former.  Additionally, penalty points may be assessed to any team whose players have acted in an un-sportsman-like manner during a match or refuse to play in accordance with the ATA Rules and/or the Rules of Tennis.

10. Cell Phone Use: The use of cell phones in any manner during a match is prohibited. All cell phones must be turned off, no calls or text messages may be made or received prior to the conclusion of a match.

If the cell phone rings during a point, the opponent may stop the point and claim the point based on deliberate hindrance.  If the cell phone rings between points, the interruption is treated as a Time violation, warning or point penalty if a warning had already been issued.  The same rules apply to any adjacent court if play is disrupted by the opposing team's cell phone.  

*ATA Comment: If you are in the middle of a point and hear an opponent's cell phone ring but opt to continue play, you cannot then claim a point but you can give the offending party a warning and remind them to turn their phone off.

The above rules also apply to the Apple Watch or any other similar device that may send or receive calls and or text messages.  The watch may be worn for “step” tracking purposes but must be turned off for calls or texts.  AirPods and other wireless earbuds are not allowed as they are a wireless connection to a cell phone.

11. Bathroom Breaks: A limited number of bathroom breaks may be allowed during a match. When possible, these breaks should be taken during a set break.  If not possible, they may be taken at an odd game change over when your team will be serving the next game.  Players should not leave the court area for a bathroom break after the warm-up unless there is a true emergency.  If a player must leave the court during a match, that player must advise the opponents as to why they are leaving.

12. Rescheduled Matches: Matches may not be rescheduled (with the exception of Inclement Weather) without the permission of the League Administrator.  Team captains who wish to reschedule must submit the “Request to Reschedule” Form which can be found on the Task Bar below the ATA Header.  This form must be submitted to the ATA League Administrator at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled match.  The league administrator will either deny the request or send it on to the opposing team captain who will have at least 48 hrs. to respond to the league administrator with their decision.  Teams are under no obligation to agree to reschedule a match. 

13. ATA rules & “The Code” govern play. In cases not specifically covered by these rules, ITF Rules of Tennis as published by the USTA will govern play (not to be confused with "local USTA league rules)

III Penalties and Forfeitures

A. Ineligible players: See section I-Players

B.  A team having excessive defaults will be dropped from the league and all matches played will be nullified and treated as a bye for the remainder of that session. Excessive defaults are defined as averaging more than one default per meet and will be observed at the midpoint of a session. 

Any team who defaults all 3 courts of a match will be assessed a penalty point for each occurrence and will not be eligible for league awards.  A team who defaults all 3 courts more than once during a league session will be dropped from the league. A team who defaults all 3 courts of the last match of any session will start the next session with a minimum of 1 and no more than 3 penalty points.  

Many teams are now required to pay their court fees in advance so if your team defaults any matches, be prepared to reimburse the opponents for their court costs.  It’s up to each individual captain to request reimbursement for court fees.  Notify the League Administrator if the opponents refuse to comply.

C. Teams & players that withdraw from the league after the schedules have been created will not receive any refunds or credits.  Depending on the circumstances of the withdrawal, these same players may not be allowed to participate on other teams during the same session.  

D. Additional penalties may be assessed at the discretion of the ATA due to inappropriate behavior/actions by teams and or team members.

IV Inclement Weather

1. In the event of rain: 

A. Completed individual matches will stand as played. If play has started, the match will  resume with the original players from the said match and will start where it was left off.   (Suggestion: write scores, server, side serving from, receiver, etc. on the scorecard as a reminder).

B. If teams have assembled to play and the match is delayed due to rain or wet courts, teams should try to wait at least 10-15 min. to determine the playability of courts. When a team forfeits a court or courts prior to a meet that is affected by rain, the forfeits will stand. If teams have not started play, the rescheduled match may have different players.

C. Rained out matches may be completed at any time prior to the last 2 weeks of the league season (or under special circumstances, a date that has been approved by the League Administrator).  Once teams have agreed on a rescheduled date, that date must stand. Failure to play on that date will result in a forfeiture of matches and/or courts by the team that is not able to field players.  

D. Rescheduled matches may be played at any location where courts can be reserved.

E. How to Reschedule a Match:  The home team captain must give the opponents at least 2 optional dates and times for completing the match and this must be done within 48 hours of the original scheduled match. The opposing team captain shall in turn have 48 hours in which to respond by agreeing to the proposed dates or by suggesting alternative dates.  This format shall continue (for two weeks max) until captains can agree on the date or dates for the make-up match.  If either captain fails to act within their 48-hour period, that captain's team will then forfeit the match. All three courts do not have to be rescheduled for the same date or time.  

F. Matches that are rained out during the last week of play of a session will not be rescheduled. The final standings will then be determined by the highest percentage of points won to points possible. All other rained out matches must be made up in accordance with the rules above.  Failure to complete rain make-up matches by any team or teams will result in the loss of three points and an additional penalty point.

G. The Home team captain must notify the league administrator that a match has been rained out/postponed within 24 hrs. of the scheduled match.  The Home team captain must also notify the league administrator of the date or dates agreed upon for the make-up matches.  Failure to comply may result in a penalty point.  While teams have up until 2 weeks prior to the end of a session to complete makeup matches, the date or dates for those matches must be agreed upon and reported to the League Administrator within 2 weeks of the originally scheduled match.

2. In the event of extreme cold/wind:

If cold and or windy conditions are such that the players feel it's impossible to start or complete a match, the two team captains will decide how to proceed by checking the weather conditions, possibly postponing the match for a later start time if possible or agreeing to reschedule.  If the match needs to be rescheduled, follow the same rules used for a rained out match.

3. Summer League Heat Rule:

If the temperature is 105 or above at 4 PM on a match day, all matches will be required to play a 10 point tie break in lieu of the third set.  When possible, this will be posted in the Message Center on the Home page.  If not possible, the Team captains shall check the temperature at their home location and implement the Heat Rule if applicable and must announce this to the opponents when they arrive.

V Scoring and Awards

1. Each individual match won earns one point with a total of three possible points per meet. The total number of points won at the end of the session by each team will determine the winners. In cases where divisions have an unequal number of matches due to "byes", each team's final standing will be determined by the percentage of points won to points possible.  

2. If teams are tied for a position at the end of the season, the tie will be broken by the first of the following procedures that does so: 

A. Loser of the fewest number of sets

B. Loser of the fewest number of games

C. Winner of the Head-to-Head match/matches

*Exception: If tied teams did not have an equal number of matches due to “byes”, the tie will be broken by the winner of the head-to-head match/matches.

3. Awards: First place awards will be given to the top team(s) from each division at the conclusion of the Winter/Spring session when the results of the Fall & Winter/Spring league results have been combined. The maximum number of awards given to any one team shall not exceed twelve (12) in number.  

No upward or downward movement will take place at the end of the Fall Session unless the league administrator deems it's necessary.  At the end of the Winter/Spring Session, those results will be combined with the Fall League Results & the teams with the highest percentage of points won to points possible in their divisions, will be moved up for the onset of the next Fall Session.  Teams with the lowest percentage of points won from both sessions will be moved down. Teams that only participate in the Winter/Spring Session are awarded 75% of their points won in the Winter/Spring toward the Fall Results.

The ATA reserves the right to move teams up or down following each session to even out the competition. 

Additional Notes & Rules

Captains: When you are the "Home" team, you must call or email the opposing team captain to confirm your match, start time and location.  Last minute forfeits/defaults warrant a phone call - do not rely on email for last minute changes.    If your start time or location of play is different from that published on the schedule, you should give your opponents at least 5 days prior notice.  If you fail to do so and your opponents cannot make the necessary arrangements to accommodate your changes, you may have to default the match. 

Interrupting the Server between the first & second serve:

If the receiving team interrupts or delays the server between the first and second serve, the server is then entitled to a first serve.  Examples; The receiver returns the ball on a service fault and the serving team has to stop and clear that ball from the court area before play can continue.  If a delay between the first and second serve is caused by the serving team, the server is only entitled to a second serve.

Calling foot faults. The receiver or the receiver’s partner may call foot faults only after all reasonable efforts, such as warning the server (preferably on a change of ends) and attempting to get an official to the court, have failed and the foot fault is so flagrant as to be clearly perceptible from the receiver’s side. Remember; a high percentage of recreational players foot fault several times in a match so before calling it on an opponent, it's best to make sure you are never guilty of doing the same.

Bathroom Breaks: A limited number of bathroom breaks may be allowed during a match. When possible, these breaks should be taken during a set break.  If not possible, they may be taken at an odd game change over when your team will be serving the next game.  Players should not leave the court area for a bathroom break after the warm-up unless there is a true emergency.  If a player must leave the court during a match, that player must advise the opponents as to why they are leaving.

Complaints:   Players wishing to file a complaint must do so within 24hrs of the match or it will not be considered for action.  The complaint must be submitted via email to the ATA League Administrator.  The complaint must be from the player or players who felt an action occurred that is against ATA Rules and protocols.  Depending on the grievance, the ATA may take immediate actions or may ask the accused team/player for a reply which must then be received within 24hrs of the notification.  Both teams/players will be notified as to what if an actions will be taken.

Team Name Change: Existing teams who wish to change their name prior to the start of the next session must submit a request to do so via an email to the League Administrator.  Submit at least 2 – 3 choices in order of preference.  Team names may not be duplicated. The ATA League Administrator will decide if a new team name may be used.  

Special Scoring Circumstances: 

1. Match won by default or forfeit - The winning team score is recorded as 6-0, 6-0.  The names of the winners are recorded but the names of the players who caused the default or forfeit shall not be entered.  Select “won by default" or “won by forfeit” in the Winner's box.  Failure to enter the score and/or winning player’s names will result in no point for that match.

2. Match won by retirement - On the far right hand side of the score card, under the "winners" box, click on the drop down arrow to select the match was won "by retirement".  Show that the match was won by entering the number of games required to win a set.  For example if your team won the 1st set 6-3 and was ahead 2-1 in the 2nd set when the opponents retire, record the final score as 6-3, 6-1.

3. Scoring a 10 point tie break in lieu of the 3rd set.  The score is recorded as 1-0 for the winning team with the actual tie break score in parenthesis.  Ex. 1-0 (10-7).